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摘要:以下是小编整理的剑桥雅思14教材中,阅读Test3Passage1原文译文。希望能够作为参考资料,帮助大家练习雅思阅读哟! The concept of intelligence 智力的概念 A Looked at in one way, everyone knows wha
The concept of intelligence
A Looked at in one way, everyone knows what intelligence is; looked at in another way, no one does. In other words, people all have unconscious notions - known as‘implicit theories’- of intelligence, but no one knows for certain what it actually is. This chapter addresses how people conceptualize intelligence, whatever it may actually be. But why should we even care what people think intelligence is, as opposed only to valuing whatever it actually is? There are at least four reasons people’s conceptions of intelligence matter.
A 当以某种方式审视智力时,每个人都知道它是什么;而以另一种方式审视时,却没有人知道。换言之,每个人对智力都有自己潜意识的界定,这被称为“内隐理论”,但没有人确切地知道智力到底是什么。无论智力实际上是什么,这一章会解决人们给智力下定义的问题。但是我们为什么要关注人们如何理解智力,而不是仅仅评价智力实际上是什么?至少有四个理由可以说明人们对智力的理解非常重要。
B First, implicit theories of intelligence drive the way in which people perceive and evaluate their own intelligence and that of others. To better understand the judgments people make about their own and others’ abilities, it is useful to learn about people’s implicit theories. For example, parents’ implicit theories of their children’s language development will determine at what ages they will be willing to make various corrections in their children’s speech. More generally, parents’implicit theories of intelligence will determine at what ages they believe their children are ready to perform various cognitive tasks. Job interviewers will make hiring decisions on the basis of their implicit theories of intelligence. People will decide who to be friends with on the basis of such theories. In sum, knowledge about implicit theories of intelligence is important because this knowledge is so often used by people to make judgments in the course of their everyday lives.
B 首先,智力的内隐理论影响人们理解和评价自身及其他人的智力。为了更好地理解人们对自身和其他人能力的判断,了解人们的内隐理论十分有帮助。例如,父母关于孩子语言发展的内隐理论会决定他们将在什么时候对孩子的言语做出各种各样的纠正。而更普遍的是,父母关于智力的内隐理论将决定他们会在什么时候相信孩子已经能够处理各种各样的认知任务。职业面试宫会基于他们关于智力的内隐理论做出招聘决定。人们会基于这种理论决定与谁交朋友。总之,理解有关智力的内隐理论非常重要,因为在每天的生活中,人们常常通过这样的理解做出判断。
C Second, the implicit theories of scientific investigators ultimately give rise to their explicit theories. Thus it is useful to find out what these implicit theories are. Implicit theories provide a framework that is useful in defining the general scope of a phenomenon - especially a not-well-understood phenomenon. These implicit theories can suggest what aspects of the phenomenon have been more or less attended to in previous investigations.
C 第二,科学研究者的内隐理论最终会带来他们的外显理论。因此研究这些内隐理论是什么非常有用。内隐理论提供了一种框架,这种框架对定义某一现象的广义范畴非常有用,尤其是对尚未被充分理解的现象。这些内隐理论可以提示这一现象的哪些方面曾经在过去的研究中被或多或少地关注过。
D Third, implicit theories can be useful when an investigator suspects that existing explicit theories are wrong or misleading. If an investigation of implicit theories reveals little correspondence between the extant implicit and explicit theories, the implicit theories may be wrong. But the possibility also needs to be taken into account that the explicit theories are wrong and in need of correction or supplementation. For example, some implicit theories of intelligence suggest the need for expansion of some of our explicit theories of the construct.
D 第三,当一名研究者怀疑现存的外显理论有误或存在误导时,内隐理论会非常有用。如果关于内隐理论的研究无法揭示现有的内隐和外显理论间的一致性,那么内隐理论可能存在问题。但是也需要考虑“外显理论存在错误或者需要纠正、补充”的可能性。例如,一些关于智力的内隐理论表明我们需要扩展有关其构造的某些外显理论。
E Finally, understanding implicit theories of intelligence can help elucidate developmental and cross-cultural differences. As mentioned earlier, people have expectations for intellectual performances that differ for children of different ages. How these expectations differ is in part a function of culture. For example, expectations for children who participate in Western-style schooling are almost certain to be different from those for children who do not participate in such schooling.
文章来源:《试题与研究》 网址: http://www.styyjzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/0801/467.html